Nursery Needs is part of a Cumbernauld based charity called Watch Us Grow. We are open Weds,Thurs and Friday 9am-4pm. 01236 728339 or 01236 727970
Nursery Needs sells a huge range of nursery equipment, children’s toys, clothing and books, with everything sold at a reasonable cost. Nursery Needs is staffed by paid supported staffs that have learning difficulties. These members of staff refurbish and clean all the products we get as donations to a high standard, ready to re-sell in our shop. Donations can be dropped off at our shop, 11 Main Street, Kilsyth, G65 0AH. We can also arrange an uplift for any donations, give us a call on 01236 728339. We are open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am -4pm.