OTC Online Training Courses - 0800 292 2656

Provider of a wide range of Health and Safety E-Learning training courses for businesses and individuals!

Here at OTC we provide a wide range of Health and Safety E-Learning training courses for businesses and individuals, in order to help maintain effective and successful safety procedures and strategies for the workplace.

You would think that one-on-one training would cost a fortune and be time-consuming to organise. Well, it isn't! Our one-on-one tutor led interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual. It provides an opportunity to go over the learning content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience that'll be retained and applied to keep any business safe and compliant.

At a fraction of the cost and fraction of the management time than you'd expect, this Health & Safety training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it's really efficient and flexible!

All our E‐Learning Courses are:

Written by experts
Comply with Health and Safety law
Give you a full administrative audit trail
Provide engaging video content
Reduce training costs
Provide automatic certification

Our acclaimed online training courses include Fire Safety Awareness and Marshal Courses, Asbestos Awareness training for staff or Designers, COSHH, and Abrasive Wheel to name just a few. Each of our certified courses are approved by RoSpa, CPD, IATP or IFE and have been designed to allow you or your organisation to meet training requirements quickly, efficiently and conveniently.

The courses we offer are highly interactive and include animation, video, audio, text and images to create a powerful learning experience. This means effective training and a safety first culture in your business.

And, our training system is a powerful tool in training new and existing staff on all aspects of workplace health & safety issues. You can see full details of our available courses by going to the e-learning course pages - http://www.on-linetrainingcourses.com/online-courses-available

Sign up for a free trial at - http://www.videotilehost.co.uk/hs/otc/

Tags: Occupational Safety and Health Service,Education

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0800 292 2656

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