Oundle Business - 01832 273150

An opportunity to reduce small business isolation and meet other like minded local business people in a social atmosphere .

Our vision is that the Association shall strive to care for the interests of the community and the commercial wellbeing of the Town of Oundle and its surrounding villages. We aim to do this by looking after the interests of our members, encouraging trade between member businesses and seeking inward investment to The Town.

It costs just £30 per year to join giving you free access to all the networking and other events, you can subscribe through the website www.oundlebusiness.co.uk.

The Association aims to provide a common platform for the discussion of issues which affect the business community. The main vehicles for this are the monthly social networking meetings held at 6pm on the first Wednesday of each month. See the Events Page for full details.

Tags: Business Service,Market,Farmers Market

Address & Contact

c/o Bulley Davey
01832 273150
Business Service

Map & Directions

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