The relocation of the Elm Grove Library in Southsea!!
The NEW Southsea Library will be located in the Woolworths site in Southsea as a unique opportunity to re-locate the Elmgrove Library and Community Library Services in Carnegie Library on Fratton Road into the heart of Southsea, where it could more fully meet the reading, information and informal learning needs of the wider community in the Southsea area.
The new library would provide scope to extend the current library offer and broaden the range of services to existing users and all members of the community who live in or visit the area. These will include the relocation of disability library services including the city wide housebound offer, the vision impaired helpline, IT support sessions and the development of downloads technology for the provision of community information and audio materials. These developments would enable the library service to take a pivotal role, regionally in the development and promotion of resources in alternative formats.
Tags: Library