Pangbourne Rounders - <>

An Inter-street Rounders Tournament on Saturday 7th June 2014.

Which neighbourhood or Street will be crowned Pangbourne Rounders Champion 2014?!

A strict limit of 16 teams will take part in a round robin tournament, progressing through to knock out matches that will result in one winner.

Teams must be composed of both adults and children (4 under 12s minimum). Full Rounders rules will be presented on the day, but will also be available by email.

Teams of 9 (or more), entry fee of £25 per team. Each team's captain will referee other games and all teams are encouraged to find sponsorship from a local business. All proceeds will be donated to FOPPS (Friends of Pangbourne Primary School), raising money towards a new Mini-bus.

How to register:
Contact for a registration form

Teams will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

Address & Contact

The Recreation Ground

Map & Directions

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