Our Facebook page is a place to share experiences about scalp cooling and the Paxman system. We'd love to hear your stories, comments and feedback.
When Sue Paxman lost her hair while receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer, her family shared her distress. Sue's husband, Glenn Paxman founded Paxman on the back of this experience and to this day we remain a close family business. Knowing first-hand the effects that both cancer and its treatment can have on patients, friends and families, our business is much more than just a job. We aim to make a difference to people’s lives by raising awareness about scalp cooling and establishing it as a common practice for all patients undergoing treatment.
As the leading global manufacturer and supplier of scalp cooling equipment, we work in partnership with medical professionals, research centres, cancer support groups, charities and patients to continually improve our technology. Investing in scientific testing and development has allowed us to attain outstanding technical precision and the highest levels of clinical efficacy. We strive to gain further knowledge and understanding of hair loss prevention for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
We are committed to giving patients a degree of control during chemotherapy treatment. We have made it our responsibility to offer advice, support and access to scalp cooling for cancer patients no matter where they are based in the world. Having been through the same journey as many patients and their families, we are dedicated to empowering people by giving them the choice to keep their hair.
What is Scalp Cooling?
Scalp cooling is a simple treatment that can prevent hair loss caused by certain chemotherapy drugs. The use of scalp cooling or ‘cold caps’ is proven to be an effective way of combatting chemotherapy-induced hair loss and can result in a high level of retention or completely preserve the hair. For patients, this means the opportunity to regain some control, maintain their privacy and encourage a positive attitude towards treatment.
For more information visit www.paxmanscalpcooling.com.