Protandim London UK - 07767 785 813

Protandim is a PROVEN scientific breakthrough in anti aging, reducing oxidative stress by 40% in just 30 days. The science backs it up as do the stories.

Protandim Unleashes Powerful Antioxidant Enzymes To Protect Cells

Protandim’s specific formula activates the Nrf2 protein, also known as a “master regulator” of the body’s stress response. Protandim stimulates this protein, resulting in the body producing its own powerful, protective antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase, heme-oxygenase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase.

These enzymes function as potent antioxidants capable of neutralizing more than one million free radicals or reactive oxygen species. It’s the synergy of ingredients in Protandim that are effective in activating the Nrf2 pathway. There are other benefits of Nrf2 activation beyond cellular protection. Protandim helps the body repair and rejuvenate its own cells and detoxify genes, keeping the master blueprint of the cell’s function intact.

Protandim is the only supplement proven in a clinical study to reduce cellular stress by an average of 40% in 30 days. Protandim has been shown to increase superoxide dismutase levels by 30%, glutathione by 300%, and catalase by 54%. When individuals were supplemented with Protandim for 30 days, the age-dependent increase in lipid peroxidation was completely eliminated. Lipid peroxidation in an older subject was reduced to the level of a 20-year-old.

This means the body is not only capable of making its own antioxidant enzymes, but also that their production can be activated by

Protandim to reduce cellular stress and may help protect against the aging process and several conditions in which cellular stress has been reported to be a contributing factor.

Protandim does not cure, prevent, mitigate disease.

Tags: Alternative & Holistic Health Service

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07767 785 813
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