PR Owls - 07734314889

Promoting unsigned artists through advertising & social media.

Caroline - 07734314889
Shona - 07903160098
Gail - 07505486870

Caroline, Shona and Gail, promoting unsigned artists through advertising & social media.

Gig bookings

Blog: - Music Speaks.

Editors & contributors to Celebrity Voicebox -

Scottish A&R Scouts for The_UMAs


If you want us to share any posts / tweets you have to like our FB page and follow us on twitter.

If you want us to do a review / interview or feature, then tickets to the gig you want reviewed or interviewed at have to be included (for all the owls).
You must promote PR Owls by sharing on your social media pages ‘coming soon' posts & tweets. We expect you to share it after it's published, including putting a comment on the blog page. There is currently a waiting list for interviews / reviews so it’s on a first come first serve basis.

You have to respond to e-mails, messages & texts in a timely manner if we have questions. If these are ignored then the review / interview / feature can go no further till you respond, if you still don't get back to us after a reminder you go to the back of the queue again.

We will be putting on our own gigs soon and if we book you we will offer a percentage of ticket sales plus you can sell merchandise. If we secure you a gig at a venue our fee is 10%.

If we include you on a bill at a gig, we expect you to promote it fully on your social media pages regularly and invite friends and family along.

In turn we will promote, in our usual way on all our social media pages including Voiceboxlive, any gigs, releases, news etc. you ask us to.

We will also, for a fee, help out with selling merch at gigs, e-mailing out press packs to the media, putting up posters etc.

Tags: Arts & Entertainment,Public Relations Agency,Marketing Consultant

Address & Contact

Nethershot Road
Arts & Entertainment

Map & Directions

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