PYB Ski Slope Fund - 01690 720469

This is my advent calendar to count down the 25 days to Christmas and the £25,000 that has to be raised to save Plas y Brenin Ski Slope in Capel Curig.

I am going to give £500 to the fund to save the ski slope. I am only fourteen and that money was really hard for me to earn but we have to save our slope. If I can do it I am hoping that other people and local businesses will also do the same. It doesn't matter how small the amount that you pledge is but please give something. We have had to fight really hard to get this far.

Today is the start of my special advent calendar to raise £25K by Christmas the amount needed to save the ski slope at Plas y Brenin in Capel Curig. It would be a great Christmas present to save this slope for the future skiers of North Wales.

Please read this and donate to our cause. If you can pledge money on here then we can get it open but we only have to the 31st December to give the money to Sport England. We can apply for lots of grants and will almost certainly get our money back at some point next year but they gave us too little time to do it through the official channels and so the only way to now save our slope is giving our own money.

I was part of a group of children that led a protest by camping on the ski slope to try to save it. We were on telly and in the press and caused quite a stir. Those in charge said it would cost nearly a million pounds to renovate. However that figure was vastly exaggerated and actually it's only £25K we need as Sport England have said they will match that amount. We have quotes and local builders ready to start but we just need to get this small amount of money. If we don't the slope will be ripped up and ironically this will cost PYB £45K.

I give up with the politicians, the people in charge and all the hoops that we have had to jump through. It seems crazy. We are here at the last hurdle and only need to raise the tiniest amount of money in the scheme of things but have only been given such a short time. We did ask for an extension but we only got to the end of December.

We did everything that they asked, negotiated how we'd operate so that PYB were happy, got the insurance ready, the builders quotes and everything in place to get the slope open again and yet we were only given 6 weeks to raise the £25K.

This fight to save our slope has been so hard. I was even sued by a local MP. I won't name him as he will probably do it again but his name rhymes with pleb. No officials helped and it's been such an uphill battle but in the end we have almost won. Everything is in place to get up and running. It feels like the final thing they kept to the end when we found out that we had such a short amount of time to raise the money.

Please please follow, like, donate and share this unusual advent calendar which is counting down the 25 days we have left. Please give or pledge money. Happy Christmas PYB ski slope we will save you.

Tags: Ski Resort,Sports Promoter,Stadium, Arena & Sports Venue

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Capel Curig
01690 720469
Ski Resort

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