Rebuild Fitness - 07903507897

Re-Build fitness is a fully mobile fitness provider offering an array of high intensity fitness classes anywhere in N. Ireland...Fixed home arriving 2017.

What is Rebuild Fitness ??

Rebuild Fitness is a mobile business who offer a range of high quality, high intensity, 1 hour fitness classes across Northern Ireland. The different types of classes include, Boxing, Kettlebells, Advanced Sports Conditioning, Calisthenic Circuits, Core, Yoga and weight plate training. Having trained in Phuket, London, Manchester and Ireland we feel we can bring a freshness, variety and intensity to group training that will ensure ‘time poor’ people can get the maximum output and fun out of their training. To specialise in functional and sport specific training using advanced training techniques from all over the world and delivering these with an intensity that’s second to none. Hope to see you at a sports hall, community centre, church hall or workplace near you soon….Feel free to private message or call 07903507897 for more details.

What is our philosophy ?

Our underpinning belief and philosophy are:

Rebuilding peoples mindset so they believe they can achieve what they want
Provide the platform and the mechanisms so that people can give the maximum effort possible.
Focus on the team dynamic (the collective) rather than the individual…the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts.
Fuse the worlds of fitness music and technology to create an experience not a class.
To educate that people are only competing to make the best version of themselves-they are not competing with others
To arm them with the will power to be the best version of themselves
To ensure that exercise isn't effort but challenging and fun
To address and counteract the stresses of modern life and improve our members quality of life.
Who is our target audience?

Our classes are designed in such away that it is down to the individual how much they get out of it irrespective of whether you are new to fitness classes or a sportsperson at the top of your game. There’s something in all our classes for everything even if it’s just fun and stress relief. We fully believe that these classes are ideally suited to people who had a strong interest in keeping fit but who may have lost their way for whatever reason - be that retirement from team sports, competition, child birth, career progression or lack of company. Make yourself a promise, to rebuild your physical and mental wellbeing and we will do everything to help you achieve it. If your are a member of a club, a community group or feel that you or your area are lacking in any of the classes below, feel free to contact us.

What is the class format?

Each of our 1 hour classes are designed to generate not only for maximum effort but all to ensure you continue to burn calories for hours after.Generally speaking each class will involve:

10 minute coaching & explanation of class
10 Minute Warm Up (I use this term loosely - you will be out of breathe by then!)
30 Minute Work Out
10 Minute Cool Down
Potentially a finisher depending on the effort level and how we feel!!

What each of the above contains will vary greatly - it’s our boast that no two classes will ever be the same in a calendar month, with a massive variety of class formats including Traditional Circuits timing, Tabata, Ladders, chippers, HIIT, AMRAPS, EMOMS,Partnered I GO - U GO. Don't understand these terms?? Don't worry just come and find out……but be prepared to sweat

What type of classes do we offer?

In layman terms these are big cast iron balls with a handle attached and they have been in existence in Russia since the 1700’s originally as a weight in farming but eventually evolved into a fundamental fitness tool used by the Russian. They’ve become very popular in the fitness industry largely due to their versatility and efficiency in delivering a cardio/strength based work out all at once. These classes though suited for all are no place for the light hearted, what could be more fun than throwing lumps of iron around whilst easily burning 500+ calories. Come on get involved…….

Boxing (Rumble)
Ok here’s the honest part - you are not doing this to be the next Carl Frampton, if that’s your goal there are plenty of boxing clubs out there. If you want to come to unload punches safely, to bust stress and feel great about yourself, whilst hearing some rocking music this is the class for you. It’s a case of getting those gloves on, working as hard as you can and take your stresses out on the rest of class….honestly they will thank you for it. Easily our most popular and hardest cardio workout, perfect for fat-loss, toning up and stress management.

Calisthenics is exercising using bodyweight only without any equipment. These increase strength, fitness, endurance and mobility through bodyweight movements and using your body as resistance it’s effectively weight training using your body. When you add intensity and variety to this calisthenics offer a fantastic conditioning aerobic and anaerobic workout whilst at the same time improving the motor skills such as balance, agility and coordination. Do not be fooled into thinking this is anyway easier than any other class, we can promise you it isn't - your bodyweight is more than enough resistance for you to get fit.

Advanced Conditioning Circuits
This is ‘the daddy’ of our workouts and ideally suited to sports people or those with a good level of fitness but wanting to progress. These classes will be designed to get the maximum output in relation to stamina, speed, agility, power and mobility. These classes can be easily tailored to make them sports specific and are ideal class for those competing in football, rugby, hockey and combat sports. This class includes both weighted and bodyweight exercises, and the format will often differ from traditional circuits and include many formats such as Tabata and AMRAP.

Though a modern craze, this is an ancient form of exercise originating in India 5000 years ago. Through a series of movement (postures) the focus is on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. Now a mainstay in gym timetables across the world, yoga is a great form of exercise that will stretch your whole body, improve muscle tone and reduce stress. There’s evidence that regular yoga practice is beneficial for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, lower back pain, depression and stress. This is is a body and soul workout, never worry if you don't know your downward dog from the half (funky) pigeon, come and learn.

Personal Training
Though not our primary focus - we have a number of trainers who of are fully qualified and enthusiastic to offer 1-to-1 or small group personal training if you are wanting to achieve a particular goal that our classes can not offer. We believe strongly in the group dynamic, and believe people can achieve more by group training rather than training on their own. That said on those instances where you want your training to be a little more tailored and specific, your rate of progression will be greater. If you feel this is something you want please call.

As the name suggest this is a small finishing class (focusing on your core) 20 minutes long that can be bolted onto any of our other classes. Though short in time it does not lack on effort and is the perfect compliment to any of the above classes. Core strength is crucial not just to fitness but everyday life yet is one of the things that often gets over looked simply because it hurts!! It’s crucial…why because it does two really important things; firstly it supports your spine hence addressing back, glute, hips, and trunk mobility issues and secondly it makes you look thinner�. Do these 20 minute class 2/3 times a week and you will soon notice a difference, come on RE-BUILD that core…….OFFICE WORKERS TAKE NOTE!!!!

Coming Soon………
Like our Facebook page to be kept in touch with our new classes and developments towards the end out 2016 and start of 2017. Keep your eyes peeled for new classes, blogs, outdoor bootcamps, weekend retreats, wildcard workouts, our January pre-season programme and most importantly our full-time home arriving 2017. Don't sit back…………

Tags: Recreation & Fitness,Region

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