Reiki - Energy Health and Wellbeing - 07852 464 020

Reiki is an energy therapy that helps promote the natural healing process and restores balance physically, mentally and emotionally.

Reiki is a universal life energy that is used for healing and bringing systems back into balance. Reiki is very gentle and non-evasive and has many benefits - see below.

Reiki is great for adults, children and pets. A Reiki treatment involves my hands either being placed on or hovered over areas of the body (physical touch is not necessary). The Reiki energy simply flows in and works with the bodies own natural healing capabilities.

Some of the Benefits of Reiki

Decreases stress and anxiety
Increases relaxation and rejuvenation
Improves sleep
Effectively treats and/or supports a wide range of ailments and disease
Assists with emotional or trauma based issues

Reiki treatments can be conducted in my home office or in your home. Home visits may be subject to additional costs and specific agreements.

Prices for Reiki & Energy Balance

1. Recommend Package – Reiki Therapy
3 x 1 hour treatments £50 each Total £150 (for best results this should be over a 2-4 week period)

This package will enable you to get a real feeling for Reiki and its associated healing benefits.

2. Single Treatment – Reiki Therapy
1 hour @ $55 each

3. Pick me Up Treatment - Reiki Therapy
15 minutes @ £20 each

Fantastic for those who are unsure about Reiki and want to try and for others in need of an energy boost or grounding before a meeting or presentation.

4. Chakra Balance – Balancing / Energy Clearing
1 x 35 minute treatment @ £30

This is a balancing treatment to harmonise the chakras. It helps to clear the energy system and creates a feeling of calm and balance.

Payment methods cash, cheque or direct debit. Direct Debit funds must be cleared prior to the treatment.

Flexible treatment times.

All patient information is treated with the strictest confidence.

Tags: Alternative & Holistic Health Service

Address & Contact

07852 464 020
Medical & Health

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