Penarth Acoustic Club is a venue for live acoustic music, poetry, etc.
We meet once a month, normally the third Friday, in the Prince William Suite of Penarth Cons Club. We used to be on the top floor of Penarth Legion, hence the "Room at the Top", but sadly the venue has closed, although our name lives on! It's a venue for live acoustic music, poetry, or any performance suitable for a small stage. We have a PA system, so we're not totally "unplugged", but it's not the Shea stadium and your ears won't be ringing when you leave. Audience capacity is limited, so if you'd like to come along, it's definitely advisable to buy a ticket beforehand from Pencerdd music shop, which is just nearby in Station Approach. Entry varies according to the artists booked but is normally £5 - £10, all of which goes towards paying for guests as funds allow. Proceeds of our raffles go to charity. In February this year, we donated £350-worth of musical instruments to MIND in the Vale.
We plan the night's entertainment beforehand, so it's not so much an "open mic" evening, more of an "acoustic cabaret", where invited performers do a 35-40 minute spot, although it's also fairly informal, so anything might end up happening, within limits! Doors open at 7:30 pm, and we aim to be finished by 11pm. Every so often there will be featured guest performer nights, where the format, and even the venue, may be different.