Serenity Equus - 07754446879

A natural approach to training from the ground up. Learn to create a bond with your horse, and build a trusting and harmonious partnership together.

To fall in love with a horse is easy, but to have a horse fall in love with you is a special thing indeed.

We all dream of that perfect partnership with our horse, the unique bond created when you just become one, you understand each other, it's almost like you can read each other's minds. Well, it isn't as hard as you may think! It is a magical feeling, but it isn't magic. To create the trust between you comes from work, clarity and a desire to learn.

I have spent a number of years working under different trainers, both in Wales and Canada, and have been lucky enough to learn and practise techniques that can develop that partnership. If you are willing to learn, and yes, sometimes can develop your dream partnership with your horse also.

Just like people, all horses are different, they respond in different ways, a technique that works perfectly for one, may do nothing for another. The trick is learning to read your horse, and adapt your training methods and techniques to suit them, then, watch them learn and grow with you. It could be a simple little tweak here or there, or it could mean going right back to basics and rebuilding from the ground up. Either way, the satisfaction of feeling that closeness with your horse is wonderful.

I offer many different services, from teaching you how to work with your horse, on the ground and under saddle, correcting any behavior you feel unable to deal with, building your horse's confidence and desensitising them to those 'scary' things they may encounter when out on a trail ride or at a local show. I use many different techniques, some that I learned whilst out in Canada, which we see as 'the western way' - but to be honest, the fundamentals of horse training don't differ that greatly whether it is English style or Western style - What can differ are the ways in which we go about it. I believe in an unrestrained, calm and patient approach, where you see your horse learning as you go. Not fearfully submitting because you have given them no alternative. I also think clicker training is a great tool, not only to teach your horse, but for you to have fun together too. I am also attuned to level II Reiki - and whilst I am not an active practitioner I believe this has helped many horses I have worked with. Especially ones who seem pretty fizzy, nervous or seriously lack confidence.

I have worked with numerous different horses, from the untouched or barely handled horses (these are actually the easiest!!), to thoroughbreds just coming off the track, along with the everyday happy hacker and pleasure horse - I feel the more horses you encounter, the more you learn, and to do that you can't restrict yourself to one genre.

Part of my setting up this business, is not only to encourage more natural training methods, but to teach owners how to do them themselves. Once we have owners who go about things in a more open minded approach, the less horses there will be to 'fix'. Not only will it help you enjoy your horse more, your horse will also enjoy being with you...and not just for the food and treats you give them!

Tags: Horse Trainer

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