Sheringham Lifeboat Station - 01263823212

Sheringham Lifeboat Station is part of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution that saves lives at sea.

All our shops are run by volunteers who take great pride in keeping them open whenever possible, if you are planning a special trip to visit the shop at the lifeboat station, it may be best to call ahead to check the opening times.

Schools/Colleges/groups wishing to visit the station are always welcome. The station and station gift shop are open all summer and most weekends in the winter.

Station opening times are approximately 10 am - 4 pm daily during the summer.

Alternatively, you can visit our local RNLI shop in Sheringham town center at
No. 39 High Street opposite Sainsbury's, who also have a great range of items for you to browse. You can contact them on 01263 821601.

Tags: Landmark & Historical Place,Charity Organization,Non-Profit Organization

Address & Contact

The Promenade
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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