We are the South East Hampshire branch for the Green Party of England and Wales.
The South East Hampshire Green Party covers the areas administered by Fareham Borough Council, Gosport Borough Council, and Portsmouth City Council. We currently also cover the south east part of Winchester City Council (roughly the areas around Denmead and Hambledon) and the southern part of East Hampshire District Council including Petersfield.
We meet at approximately monthly intervals, the currently favoured venue being the Portsmouth Rail Social Club, opposite Fratton Station in Portsmouth - not quite the Carlton Club, but the ale is 'real' and really cheap!
There are also three local groups under the umbrella of the SE Hants regional party:
• Fareham and Gosport group
• Portsmouth group
The local groups tend to meet as and when necessary, but meetings will be publicised on this page.
We are a friendly and diverse bunch of people spanning all age groups, and new members or individuals simply wishing to find out more are assured of a warm welcome.