South Glos Parents and Carers - not for profit CIC - 01454501009

A supportive community for parents & carers who have a child with ANY Special Educational Need and Disability ages 0-25. No diagnosis needed.

SGPC helps to improve services for our children & families living in South Gloucestershire. We provide support for parents & carers who have a child with ANY Special Educational Need and Disability (from physical disabilities to social communication, learning disabilities) Your child does not need a diagnosis.
All of our team consist of parent/carers themselves who have children or young adults with a variety of SEND. Being parent carers ourselves, we have an in depth understanding of the issues we all face ; from the challenges, to the joys our children bring!

At SGPC we create a strong community by providing opportunities for families of SEND children to come together, provide support and share experiences.

This is why our service has lots on offer for you…….
Visit our website to find out more

We are based in Poole Court Yate.
We enjoy working with other groups in South Gloucestershire to ensure our families are better informed and supported .

Tags: Other,Community Organization,Non-Profit Organization

Address & Contact

Poole Court Drive Yate
Non-Profit Organization

Map & Directions

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