St. Mary's Menston (formerly St. Mary's Catholic High School) on Bradford Road (A65) in Menston, West Yorkshire, England, is a Catholic Voluntary Academy for young people of secondary school age. It serves the Leeds Diocese parish churches of Ss Peter & Paul Yeadon, St. Joseph's Pudsey, English Martyrs Addingham, Our Lady & All Saints Otley, Ss John Fisher & Thomas More Burley-in-Wharfedale, Our Lady of Kirkstall Horsforth and Sacred Heart of Jesus Ilkley. The school was founded in 1964 and celebrated its 50th Anniversary during the academic year 2014–15.The most recent Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) inspection in 2014 graded St. Mary's as Grade 1 (Outstanding). League tables published by the Department for Education based on 2014 GCSE results rank St. Mary's as the highest achieving state school in Leeds. In 2014, an Inspection under the Section 48 framework for Catholic Life and Religious Education judged the school outstanding in all areas.The school's headteacher, Darren Beardsley began his post on 1 September 2014, taking over from acting headteachers Thomas Rothwell and Catherine Garrett. 1,200 pupils attend school in three main teaching blocks: Morse, Clitherow and Hume.
Tags: High School