Mass Times:
Sat 6.30pm / Sun 8.00am & 10.30am
Weekdays 9.30am (except Tues)
Confessions: Sat 5.45pm - 6.15pm
Rosary: 9.10am before weekday Masses
St. Peter's Church is a flourishing Parish, also serving the local villages and Catholic communities of Sandy, Potton, Sutton and Dunton. It is an active member of the Churches Together in Biggleswade. Journey in Faith is a weekly study, prayer and shared learning group, which everybody is welcome to attend (Mon 7.30pm - 8.30pm). Our choir rehearses on Monday evenings 7.15pm - 8.15pm and before the 10.30am Mass on Sundays. We have a Social Committee which holds fundraising events throughout the year. There is a Carmelite Group which meets 4th Wednesday of the month. Please see the website for details of all events and activities.