Swift Garden Rooms and Extensions - 01625 875 588 / 0777 3333 144 / 0800 3102 800

Swift provide bespoke garden rooms and extensions. New spaces for our clients to enjoy for work/relaxation or simply more space to live. www.swiftorg.co.uk

Every project we work on is designed around each client's specific needs... Your needs. Everyone's project criteria are different and our bespoke, tailored approach will ensure that you can join our long list of satisfied customers throughout the UK.

The potential uses for the additional space we create are practically endless:
*Clients who work from home can now take a small commute to their bespoke garden office
*Families in need of an extra space will find many diverse uses for home extensions
*Artists can elope to their garden studios to get their creative juices flowing
*The health conscious can head to their garden gym to work up a sweat.
*Dependant family members can even move closer to home in a garden house / granny annex

Tags: Local Service,Construction Company,Architectural Designer

Address & Contact

Swift House, Unit 54, Adlington Park, Adlington
01625 875 588 / 0777 3333 144 / 0800 3102 800

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