Swinton Physiotherapy - 0161 793 6821

Manchester's only Physio clinic with five guarantees.

1 Satisfaction guarantee - If you’re not satisfied with the quality of your consultation tell me why and I will refund your fee

2 Punctuality guarantee - You’re guaranteed to be seen on time – if you’re kept waiting more than 5 minutes I’ll knock a tenner off your treatment fee.

3 Improvement guarantee - If you’re not improving after three treatments I’ll suspend fees until you do start improving.

4 Cost guarantee - I will recommend how many treatments you need at the first appointment. No fee will be charged if more than this number is required.

5 Outcome guarantee - If someone else (physio/osteopath/chiropractor) got you better after we couldn’t I’ll refund all of your treatment fees! (on the condition that you followed the treatment plan recommended to you here)

Tags: Physical Therapist

Address & Contact

105 - 107 Chorley Road, Swinton
0161 793 6821
Medical & Health

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