To provide a home and retirement to Horses, Ponies and Donkeys, Animals and Wildlife plus Jobs for Unfortunates and Street Kids Training
The Horse Sanctuary (Tettenhall) originated in 1976, established as a charity in 1978 with a dozen horses saved from slaughter, a dozen wayward youths take off the streets to help field management and a dozen honorable people pledged to raise the necessary has been the leading light for most of the other emerging sanctuaries. In 35 years we are still the only reliable 24 hour service to stray and abandoned horses in the Black Country
A) To prevent and relieve cruelty to horse (including ponies, mules, donkeys) and other animals by the provision of a home of rest and grazing.
B) To prevent the export of horses to the Continent for human consumption.
C) To relieve physically and mentally handicapped, disabled or deprived inhabitants by providing as remedial recreation or therapeutic activity facilities for horse riding and animal welfare training.
D) To provide education and training for persons who have need of such facilities by reason of their age or poverty, social and economic circumstances so as to prepare them for any trade, occupation or service and thereby advance them in life.
E) To co-operate and assist with other charities and organsiations dedicated to the welfare and well being of humanity and all creatures.
F) To undertake any other activity which has charitable objectives.
Tags: Wildlife Sanctuary,Animal Shelter,Non-Profit Organization