Welcome to body IQ studio ®
A progressive well being studio that empowers people through a mindful approach to exercise and health.
Body IQ Studio is an independent, forward-thinking, class-based studio. We provide a calm and peaceful environment encouraging mental focus. We specialise in innovative methods of movement education and releasing chronic patterns of tension (Re-Patterning), allowing you to move with greater efficiency and enjoy your life more.
We utilise some of the most effective stress reduction techniques around.
Our regular clients enjoy better
mind-body co-ordination
motor skills
greater mental and physical flexibility
Our clients range from all walks of life and from every age group. We have helped athletes, runners, musicians, and dancers to “fine tune” their bodies for competition and performance.
Our unique classes “BODY SENSE”, “PRIMAL STRENGTH” and “CORE POWER” are all classes that break new ground with a mindful and intelligent approach to exercise and wellbeing. We are the progressive alternative to noisy gym environments, boot camp and yoga or Pilates classes.
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