The St John's choir is the only boys choir between London and St.Albans and provides a high standard of musical training.
The choir is looking to recruit boys (age 6-14) to sing treble as well as male adults to sing alto, tenor and bass.
Many boys have gone on to receive music places at secondary schools, cathedral schools and later at Oxford and Cambridge.
Practice times:
Tuesday (boys only): 18:15-19:30
Friday (full): 19:15-21:00 (boys)
19:45-21:30 (men)
Sunday Services: 9:30 Choral Eucharist
18:30 Choral Evensong
PLEASE NOTE that new boys will only be expected to attend a Tuesday practise. We are flexible with commitment depending on age and circumstance.
If you are interested in joining the choir of would like more information then please email
Terence Atkins (organist and choirmaster):