The Treehouse School - 01491 652000

Lee Ryman and Sharon Julian worked together for 8 years at a state junior school. Saddened by a system driven by OfSTED and statistics, they left to set up a school they totally believed in. The driver in our school will be the children.

Time to be children...
Children are born with huge potential - there is no ceiling to what they can achieve. The challenge is to nurture their innate curiosity and creativity by encouraging them to play an active role in the acquistion of new skills and knowledge.
Time to relate to one another...
Relationships built on mutual respect are key to a successful future. Achievement of this requires the setting up of clear boundaries alongside genuine friendship. The involvement of parents is fundamental to the school's philosophy. Building a partnership with them adds another dimension to their child's education. Opportunities for children of different ages to work together will be fully exploited to harness their capacity to learn from one another.
Time to investigate and experience...
The great outdoors is a rich learning environment, and children need to be encouraged to take risks, safely. Learning is most successful when it draws on the senses or emotions. We remember 10% of what we hear, 20% of what we see, 70% of what we do!
Time to be healthy...
The development of healthy lifestyles will be woven into the curriculum and daily routines. Children will be involved in growing food, coooking it and eating together. Regular exercise will be encourage both inside and outside the school day, alongside the nurturing of emotional health.
Time to be valued...
Basic skills in English and Mathematics are essential. However, at The Treehouse School, the route to acquiring them will be different. Equal importance will be attached to recognising and developing other strengths and individuality valued.
Time to move on...
By the end of their time at The Treehouse School children will be happy, confident and able to think for themselves. They will have developed the skills and aptitudes they need to be successful in the world of work, leisure and relationships. With a love of learning, they will be well place to embark on the nextg stage of their education.

Tags: School

Address & Contact

37 Wallingford Road
01491 652000

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