The Westerham and Brasted Gazette is a more than just an independent directory of local businesses and services
It includes a wealth of local information, activities and events, it has useful articles, word searches & cartoons and it now incorporates the Westerham Parish Council and Westerham and Crockham Hill News.
Do you own a business, provide a service or run events in or around Westerham, Brasted, Brasted Chart or Toys Hill ?
Are you busy at the moment?
Would you like to be busier, if not now then perhaps later in the year?
Would you like to advertise your business—however big or small to the local area?
The Gazette is produced by local people for local people,
over 2,500 copies are distributed FREE each month to homes and businesses
For further information please contact Heléna Hayward
0560 286 7382 or 07933 747159