Total Voice Lincolnshire provides free, independent and confidential advocacy services across the county.
Advocacy and self advocacy can be vital for people who can not or find it hard to speak up for themselves.
Tel: 01522706580
Total Voice is an advocacy and involvement service for people who have:
Learning Disabilities
Mental ill health
Physical disabilities
Sensory Impairments
Total Voice can help people look at ways of solving issues they have with their lives, we can support people if they are feeling frustrated, not listened to or ignored
Total Voice can – Listen to what people want, make sure people’s voices are heard, explain issues, help people understand their rights, help people find the best solution for them, support people to make their own informed choices.
The services we specialise in are:
Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA):
Supporting people who have been detained under sections of the Mental Health Act, or under a Community Treatment Order, we work with individuals to help them understand their rights and receive the treatment that’s right for them.
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA):
We work with people who have been assessed as lacking capacity and do not have family or friends who are appropriate to consult. Our advocates will become involved with any cases that involve decisions around serious medical treatment or changes in long term accommodation.
Community Advocacy:
There are many people who have decisions to make and don’t feel as if they are being listened to, or who don’t feel confident raising the issues themselves.
We support these people to be involved in the decision making process, or we signpost them to the service who can best meet their needs.
Active Voice:
We are committed to create one united and powerful platform for user voices in Lincolnshire. Active Voice is the innovative new vehicle through which existing and future user groups can influence the services that affect them in the community.
Total Voice Lincolnshire
5 Saxilby Enterprise Park
Saxilby, Lincoln
Tel: 01522 706580
Fax: 01522 702555
Tags: Mental Health Service,Disability Service,Non-Profit Organization