UKIP is the only party fighting for an independent Britain – and we do this on behalf of the British people as a whole.
We are the UK’s third political party – and the only one now offering a radical alternative to a gradual absorption into the United States of Europe.
In May 2014 UKIP won the European election, the first time a nationwide poll has been topped by a party other than Conservative or Labour since 1906. Meanwhile, in national by-elections, such as Newark, we continue to reel in the big parties.
This despite a hail of criticism, mindless smears and lies from political opponents and some sections of the British media, to whom the notion of national independence is seemingly tantamount to some atrocity against mankind. While world history is packed with heroic and highly-acclaimed struggles for national freedom, here we are in Britain trashing our hard-earned and long-treasured independence like it were some curse. Quite frankly, you couldn’t make it up if you tried!
UKIP was founded in 1993 to campaign for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. Not because we disregard Europe or foreigners, but because the EU is undemocratic, wasteful and invasive – and the British people were never even consulted about this incremental and wilful destruction of their sovereignty.
We believe in the right of the people of the UK to govern themselves, rather than have their laws dictated by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
We believe in the minimum necessary level of government, which defends individual freedom, supports those in real need, consumes as little of our money as possible and doesn’t interfere constantly in our lives.
We believe in democracy devolved to the people, through national and local referenda on key issues, so that laws are made at the people’s will, not the fads of the self-serving political class.
We believe that the government of Britain should be for the people, by the people – all the people, regardless of their creed or colour.
UKIP says… take back our independence, take control of our own destiny. The alternative is a dissolution of this country and our relegation to the status of a province of a foreign super-state.
The latter will be guaranteed if you continue to back the established political parties. It’s your call, but remember, when this sovereign country has been dismantled, there will be no going back.