Victoria Coombs Equine Bowen - 00447739130174

Bowen Technique is a subtle remedial therapy. The therapy works over the muscles, ligaments and tissue which uses precise rolling type moves.

I have known about the Bowen Technique since 2005, I was first introduced to Bowen after my horse received treatment. We had exhausted all avenues both mainstream and complementary. We were then informed about the Bowen Technique. After a series of treatment his pelvis was put back and became much stronger. After bringing him back into work slowly we were able to ride him and compete again. I decided to have the treatment as I have always suffered with lower back pain which affects my right hip. I found the treatment very relaxing although there were short breaks and not a lot of moves it gave me instant relief. After the success of the treatments, I was able to run again with no discomfort. I had been working in an office based job for the last 10 years and I thought it would be a great idea to train in the technique and have never looked back. I have recently completed the Equine Bowen course and so excited to get out there and start treating horses. It fascinates me and I still get really excited after every treatment.

Tags: Beauty

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South Petherton

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