Wado Ryu Karate Do Academy Leeds - <>

A Traditional Wado Ryu Karate Club based in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Affiliated with The Wado Ryu Karate Do Academy, a close associate of The Wado Ryu Karate Do Remnei under Hironori Otsuka II.

This is an authentic traditional Japanese Karate School that operates proudly under the tutelage of internationally renowned Wado Ryu Karate expert Shiomitsu Sensei Hanshi Shihan, 9th Dan Chief Instructor of The Wado Ryu Karate Do Academy. He was a student of the late Hironori Ohtsuka I Sensei Saiko Shihan 10th Dan and studied with other famous past pupils taught by the late Grandmaster.

The Academy is under the further direct authority of Grandmaster Kazutaka Ohtsuka who inherited the style from his father, Hinori Ohtsuka II. The exact same standards of Karate in Japan are taught; the organisation is present in numerous countries and continents across the world.

Here are just a few of the nations represented:
UK, France, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Finland
USA and Canada

On joining the Academy, members are given a Special Passport (£25 Adult 16+, £17 Child aged under 16). The organisation acts like an umbrella, enabling members to have their stages of training recognized, while continuing to learn and progress under any of the affiliated international Dojos in the Wado Ryu Academy jurisdiction. Opportunities to learn from others and establish friendships are encouraged through various seminars and courses, available all year round.

The Academy also grants a minimum of two opportunities in the year for Wado Academy Members to sit their Dan Grading/Black Belt Examination.

If you would like to learn how to defend yourself in a dynamic and practical way; as well as improve fitness/flexibility and develop discipline... Or know anyone who would be interested

Please Message us FAO Sensei J.Gallagher

Tuesdays 7 - 8.30 pm
Thursdays 7 - 8.30 pm

The Roscoe Church Hall, Cross Francis Street, Chapeltown, LS7 4BY
(The entrance is between the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Roscoe Church itself)

How much:
Per Lesson
£5 per Adult
£3 per Child/Student

Or ask for details about paying by Direct Debit

Tags: Martial Arts School,Education

Address & Contact

The Roscoe Church, Francis Street, Chapeltown
Recreation and Fitness

Map & Directions

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