Watermouth Yacht Club, near Ilfracombe, is located in a most beautiful, natural harbour, in North Devon. We welcome all, sailors and fishermen alike.
Watermouth Yacht Club is open Friday and Saturday evenings (sailing Season) and Saturday only (winter) and is run by volunteers. We welcome all visitors be they sailors, fishermen or non-boat owners.
WYC is located on the A399, 2 miles east of Ilfracombe and 2 miles west of Combe Martin. By sea, WPT 51o13.4’N, 004o 04.5W takes you to approx. 0.5NM North of the Watermouth harbour entrance. The harbour entrance lies to the east of the conspicuous white (ex coastguard) cottages high on Rillage Point and to the west of the conspicuous Watermouth Castle . Look out for lobster pot buoys all along this coast.
The entrance can be difficult to spot especially when coming down channel. From seaward, use the WRG sectored light and the white triangle located at 153o.
The tide can run strongly across the entrance which can result in apparent rough water, however within the harbour it is sheltered in all but strong NW winds. Beyond the breakwater the protection is excellent. Please note, the harbour dries out and should be considered unsuitable by craft not able to take the ground.
Contact the H.M. (01271 865422) (answer phone should he be down the beach) for mooring details or craning facilities.