Whitworth Sports Council - 01706 853479

Whitworth Sports Council

The Sports Council enables those involved to have a better understanding of the needs of other local sports groups, which benefits everyone.

As a single body, the Sports Council is able to approach various bodies such as the National Lottery, Sport England, Farrow Hoyle Trust, grants for community projects and possible 106 planning agreements to help fund local sporting activities and events.

The Sports Council is chaired by Councillor Jim Mellor (currently Mayor of Whitworth) and held its first meeting in July 2008. Members of the Sports Council include a number of the sporting organisations within the town, and anyone involved in local sport is welcome to attend.

Current projects include:
• A feasibility study to look at the possibility of a full size, all-weather pitch with changing facilities on Leavengreave sports pitch;
• A Sports Festival for June 2010.

Address & Contact

Whitworth Town Council, Council Offices, Civic Hall,,
01706 853479

Map & Directions

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