Windlemoor Gundogs - 07973 417658

Classes, workshops and 1:1's for both pet and working gundogs. Methods used are all reward based and focus on setting dogs & owners up for success.

Windlemoor Gundogs is run by Collette May who also owns 'Lead and Listen' Dog Training School. Collette is based in West End, Surrey and is a full member of the Pet Professional Guild and the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers..

She has two working Labradors called Benji and Angus that she competes in working tests during the summer months and competes in field trials and takes picking up in the winter months.

Collette attends dog behaviour and training seminars and conferences on a regular basis and introduces these new ideas into her own style of gundog training. Taking ideas from the world of agility, obedience and other dog sports has helped her solve many gundog training problems by thinking outside the box, especially when punishment is not an option for her.

Collette has achieved numerous awards in working tests and recently had her first award in her second ever trial entered and is proud to have achieved this high level using positive reinforcement methods of training and without any force. She says, “Training should always be fun and enjoyable for both the dog and handler, regardless of the end goal. Using kind methods will help to build a strong relationship which will become essential when competing or working together”.

Collette also uses a clicker for some training exercises as she believes this helps speed up the learning for the dog. She says, “Many of the things we need gundogs to do are quite complex and the most effective way to teach these behaviours is to break it down into smaller easier pieces, then gradually put all the pieces together”.

Placeboards are also used in Collette's gundog classes. She feels that they make a huge difference to the speed of the dogs understanding and their focus.

Collette offers regular group training courses, workshops and one to one sessions. All training is tailored to suit your ability level and goals. She also travels to other training schools throughout the south teaching positive gundog workshops.

Tags: Dog Trainer

Address & Contact

Windlesham Road
07973 417658
Dog Trainer

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