Wingate Forum

Wingate Forum advances opportunities & enhances facilities for young people in Wingate in the interests of social welfare, recreation or other activities.

Wingate Forum

Wingate forum is a not for profit organisation with charitable aims to provide and enhance opportunities for all children and young people living or attending school in Wingate. This will be achieved by:
• Co-ordinating activities and collaboration between relevant organisations and groups
• Sharing of resources
• Collective responsibility and action
• Working with young people to identify opportunities and needs
• Working to maximise funding opportunities

The objectives of the Forum are to advance opportunities and to enhance facilities for young people in Wingate in the interests of social welfare, recreation or other leisure time activities with the object of improving the conditions of life.
Young people are described as being between 0 and 18.

1. The name of the group shall be The Wingate Forum.
2. The aim of the Forum shall be to provide and enhance opportunities for children and young people in Wingate by
o Co-ordinating activities and collaboration between relevant organisations and groups
o Sharing of resources
o Collective responsibility and action
o Working with young people to identify opportunities and needs
o Working to maximise funding opportunities
3. The Forum shall meet at least on a quarterly basis.
4. All meetings shall be minuted and records kept of all meetings.
5. Voting shall normally be a show of hands and simple majority.
6. Membership shall comprise representatives of local schools, the Parish Council, the Community Association, the Family Centre and other organisations as agreed by the Forum.
7. The annual meeting of the Forum will be held between April and May each year where a Chairperson and Treasurer will be democratically appointed.
8. All meetings will be chaired by a Chairperson or in his/her absence the Forum may elect a person to chair a meeting.
9. The quorum at Forum meetings and the annual meeting shall be 3.
10. All monies applied for and held by the Forum will be used for no other purpose than to deliver the aims of the Forum and any particular priorities agreed by it.
11. The appointed Treasurer will prepare and maintain proper accounts relating to the Forum.
12. The financial year of the Forum will run from 1 April to 31 March.
13. A statement of accounts for the last financial year will be submitted to the Forum at its annual meeting.
14. A bank account shall be opened in the name of ‘Wingate Forum’ with a requirement that the Treasurer and 2 members of the Forum authorised to sign cheques.
15. Forum accounts shall be audited at least once a year by auditors appointed at the annual meeting.
16. Any change to the constitution shall be agreed by the Forum at its annual meeting or subject to the following provisions of this clause the constitution may be amended by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting. The notice of the general meetings must include notice of the amendment proposed.
17. Dissolution - should the charity be dissolved any residual unallocated funding will be distributed to local charities with compatible aims

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