Welcome to Winton Brewery
I had planned a long introduction about myself (Steve Holligan) and David Mackinnon but I thought that would far too predictable and who really reads this part of Facebook anyways, mad folk, that’s who! Or a stalker, ooo I’ve never had one…. Are you still reading? Magic, let us begin.
As we enjoy our wee journey, we'd like to update you along the way. So please like and share our page so all those other beer lovin’ handsome/beautiful/odd folk like you can be part of our story.
We’re passionate about our beers, love the process from start to finish (the latter is the more enjoyable!) and decided to start Winton Brewery. In our excitement and with our years of brewing together we planned to be in operation three months later.
(If this was a movie this would appear on a black screen….)
…one year later!
After learning a great deal from our brewing peers, from trial and error brews, from 2% to 15%, spreadsheets to hop shortages and research (pub) to working with some incredible people. We are incredibly proud to have crafted two beers which will be ready to launch soon.
Steve and David
Find us on Twitter and Instagram too.
Tags: Brewery