Wyke area (Hull) - 01482 300300

Do you live in the Wyke area of Hull? Get involved in making sure we, your area team, knows what issues matter to you and your community!

Do you live in the Wyke area of Hull? Get involved in making sure we, your area team, knows what issues matter to you and your community!

The Wyke area is made up of Newland, Avenue and Bricknell wards.

The area team co-ordinates many services in the area including streetcare, housing and parks and gardens.

The team also works closely with partner organisations including Humberside Police, NHS Hull, community wardens, children and young people’s services and local community and voluntary groups, to address the issues that you tell us are your community priorities.

Tags: Region,Borough,Public Services & Government

Address & Contact

Avenues Centre, Park Avenue
Kingston upon Hull
01482 300300
Public Services & Government

Map & Directions

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