ePageUK.com, the premier business web directory designed to connect you with the best local businesses and services across the UK. Our platform is dedicated to making your search for reliable and trusted local businesses as easy and efficient as possible.
www.kingschurchlewes.orgKing’s Church is a lively family church made up of people of all ages and backgrounds whose lives have…
Welcome to our healthy food adventure! We create a range of tasty, nutritious and healthy meals for home delivery across Sussex.…
We are located just up the hill from the station.Pop in and check us out, we have a lot to offer, why not come in for a quiet…
ASL are available for small commercial fieldwork projects including watching briefs, evaluation excavations and Historical Building…
The Lewes Pound is essentially a voucher or token that is a creative yet practical way for local people to make money work for…
The official facebook page of the soon to open Lewes Waterstones
A four day retreat for professional dancers. 1st - 5th August 2017
This page outlines to you, as a non Rotarian, what Rotary is, and what it’s all about. We are a club of Men and Women and currently…
Lewes Twinning Association exists to build and strengthen links between Lewes, Blois in France and Waldshut-Tiengen in Germany
An Epee based fencing club in LewesWe are a fencing club based in Lewes, offering the chance for people of any skill the chance…