Emmanuel Church Ushaw Moor - <>

Emmanuel Church Ushaw Moor is a village-based church group. We love Jesus, and like anyone who loves anything, we want other people to know why He's great!

Emmanuel Church Ushaw Moor is a church congregation meeting in Ushaw Moor. It is a part of the wider Emmanuel Church Durham family. We love Jesus, and like anyone who loves anything, we want other people to know why He's great!

All our activities are aimed at spreading the worship and love of Jesus across our village and county. We pray to see Jesus transforming lives and communities. We meet midweek every week for various activities, and on Sundays twice a month. On other Sundays we worship in Belmont with our wider Emmanuel Church family. Our schedule can found on this Page.

Emmanuel's website can be found at http://www.emmanuel.org.uk.

Tags: Region,Church,Religious Organization

Address & Contact

Ushaw Moor Baptist Church
Ushaw Moor
Religious Organization

Map & Directions

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