ISSEE - Centre for Homeland Security - +44 (0)1608678382

Professional qualifications and accredited training for explosives, ammunition and security personnel.

ISSEE seeks to contribute to world security by promoting dialogue, providing specialized consultancy services and delivering capability-development training based on the UK’s extensive experience of countering terrorism and explosives safety management.

The Centre has a long history of working with nations and selected commercial organizations to identify, generate and deliver solutions for all operational requirements, security equipment, personnel and organizational training to maximize security and efficiency. This includes chairing global conferences on security and national security advisory consultancy. The Centre also advises the UK Government on Aviation Security.

A key component of the Centre is its training delivery company, The International School for Security and Explosives Education (ISSEE). ISSEE is acknowledged as a world leader in the delivery of quality-driven training in all aspects of explosives use and management. This covers the full spectrum from Counter Terrorism at the National level through to the safe, compliant management and disposal of munitions and explosives for commercial companies in the Defence, Oil and Gas industries. Most training is accredited by the City & Guilds of London Institute.

ISSEE’s clients include UN, EU, NATO, UK MOD, GCC, NGOs, charities and civil emergency hazardous area response teams. ISSEE also has an excellent reputation for delivering confidential consultancy and services on behalf of Governments, insurance and legal organizations.

ISSEE was presented to the NATO summit in Chicago 2012 through the Atlantic Treaty Association

Tags: Government Organization,Education Company

Address & Contact

Talbot Hall, Heythrop Park
+44 (0)1608678382

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