LEBE's Community Cafe' - 01934750589

LEBE's Community Cafe' is the place for great company, delicious homemade cakes and tasty homemade soup.

LEBE's Community Cafe' was set up to realise a long standing ambition to increase the use of the Pavilion during the day for the good of the community.
Local Farmer and Lympsham Parish Councillor George Tuttiett is the founder of the cafe' idea. It has become a successful venture within 7 weeks thanks to volunteers who run the cafe', bake cakes and make soup, sponsorship and support from a wide range of local businesses/organisations and of course all the people who come and eat cake!

LEBE's stands for Lympsham, Eastertown, Brent Knoll and East Brent - whilst the cafe' is primarily for local people, everyone is most welcome including their well behaved dogs.

Tags: Cafeteria,Restaurant

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The Pavilion

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