McKenzie Partners - 07482819123

We are uniquely positioned to provide a range of services and help guide and support you through every aspect of Civil disputes in and our of court.

With over 25 years legal and insolvency experience McKenzie Partners are passionate about helping you resolve your problems, without the huge costs of traditional solicitors. Our guidance and mediation services can help minimise anxiety during an emotional time and help avoid stressful Court proceedings. In some cases we may be able to avoid Court altogether.

Since 2011 cuts to Legal Aid have been ongoing and each year they reduce yet further making it harder to receive help. This situation is not going to improve so other alternatives have to be looked into. With the price of Lawyers and Barristers being out of reach to many people they have had no choice but to defend themselves in Court.

Can't get Legal Aid?
Many more people are being refused Legal Aid.
If you are one of them or you know someone who can't gain Legal Aid contact us.

Can't afford a Lawyer or Barrister?
There may be a more cost efficiant way to achieve help without the cost of a Lawyer or Barrister.

Do not stress! Do not panic!
McKenzie Partners help people just like you in and out of court in a variety of ways every day.
If you require help with a legal matter then contact us and we will do our best to help.
If you have any questions regarding our legal & mediation services or would like to arrange a FREE OF CHARGE half hour no obligation consoltation CONTACT US to arrange an appointment and receive a FREE 'Top Tips About Attending Court' PDF.

Tags: Legal Company

Address & Contact

Exbourne Manor, Christchurch Road,
Legal Company

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