Ponsonby Farms - 01367 253097

We have a good reputation and shall look after your farm as if it were our own.

I am an all arable farmer based here near Lechlade, I farm 4,500 acres of which I own 300, I rent and contract farm 4,200. I also do some general contracting on a number of local farms which is another small part of my business. We grow all combinable crops – winter wheat, spring barley, winter barley, winter rape and small amount of peas and beans.

I started farming in my own right in 1991, I built up my business from nothing to the size it is today. Before that I trained as an agronomist, and still today, keep up my BASIS and FACTS training, I have a very good grasp of the subject and put it to good use. I have also worked as a farm manager before I started farming. In 1995 I was lucky enough to buy my own farm and farmhouse and this has been my base ever since. I have a first class staff of mainly young men who are much liked by all my clients, they are an extremely well trained and professional team. In 2012 I was voted Champion Arable Farmer in Gloucestershire’s Farm Competition (from 50 entrants) for the second time in the last 4 years. We have won many first prizes including rape establishment in 5 of the last 6 years, reflecting the standard of my farming against strong competition.

George Ponsonby

Tags: Agriculture Company,Farm

Address & Contact

Great Lemhill Farm
01367 253097
Agriculture Company

Map & Directions

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