Stony Stratford Town Council represents around 7,900 people living in Fullers Slade, Galley Hill and Stony Stratford town. We focus on services that you think are important and ones that make your quality of life better.
Stony Stratford Town Council represents around 7,900 people living in Fullers Slade, Galley Hill and Stony Stratford town. We focus on services that you think are important and ones that make your quality of life better.
Sometimes it's difficult to know who to contact about certain issues. At Stony Stratford Town Council, we deal with the following:
crime reduction schemes
youth projects
community projects like Stony in Bloom to improve our surroundings
maintaining public toilets
providing allotments
dog bins
street cleaning
street lighting
and traffic calming schemes
We are here to represent you in the best way we can. Many residents write, email or come into our office in Stony Stratford library to talk to us on a range of issues. We regularly work with local, regional and national authorities on specific issues. We aim to represent your views and sometimes we need to call public meetings to find out your opinions so please come along.
Milton Keynes (MK) Council is the unitary authority for the parish of Stony Stratford, Galley Hill and Fullers Slade.